Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Board Meeting Agenda 2009-April15

Meeting at MT's house, 124 E. Sopris Drive, 5:30 - 7:30pm
1> Yampah HS Greenhouse under construction, see Yampah HS Greenhouse blog;
2> RFHS Greenhouse planning, see RFHS Greenhouse blog, meeting with Sup't. Judy Haptonstall Thursday April 16, meeting with RE-1 School Board Wednesday, April 22;
3> Initial meetings with Aspen Middle School administration and verification of re-use of Planted Earth Greenhouse components, fitting available space in AMS courtyard;
4> Meeting with Basalt Elementary School parents group and administration Thursday April 16, 9:30 am;
5> Heritage Fruit Tree Project - Pruning Classes, small fundraising, Aspen Historical Society, "deal" MT made with RFOV for use of Pruning Tools;
6> "Foodie Summit" consensus that Zoning Revision efforts are the most important next steps in Pitkin, Eagle and Garfiled Counties - see Pitkin County Greenhouses blog;
1> Brady Foundation contributed $5,000. in late March;
2> Tom has submitted a brochure and application to Cleveland Foundation;
3> 5Point Film Festival in Carbondale has dedicated profits from 2009 festival for RFHS Project - Danny Brown is editing a new "film trailer" for presentation at the festival, funded by Fat City Farms, for use on our website;
4> MT has completed concept design and estimate for 2,500.sf RFHS Greenhouse, at $88,500. ($35./sf), and for the RFHS Garden, at $55,000. Estimate for alternate 42-foot diameter (1,300.sf) greenhouse dome is $45,500. ($35./sf). We will present both to the RE-1 Board, and choose the solution for which we are able to raise funding.
5> Both RFHS Greenhouse concepts sent to C.O.R.E., for advice on thier next funding cycle.
6> Illene Pevec and Brian Blount are investigating potential grants for RFHS and AMS facilities;
7> Can we raise the necessary funds to make RFHS happen this Summer, and AMS in 2010?
8> Proposal to AHS for June evening presentation on School Greenhouses, to raise more Community interest, primarily for AMS greenhouse project in 2010.
9> "First Giving"
1> Role of CRMPI as the CSA Farm School administrator, Fat City Farms, C.O.R.E., Basalt Thrift Store and others, as Community Support Organizers and Fundraisers;
2> FCF Website to be primary information center for Projects, Classes and Curriculum, as well as donations. How does everyone see FCF Role in local food economy and education development? What else can we do to further our mission?
3> Links to:
CRMPI, CORE, Yampah, RFHS, AMS, BES, Heritage Fruit Tree Project;
4> Televised Cooking School?
5> What is the story we want to tell with the Fat City Farms website? How can we leverage it to encourage maximum community awareness and support?
Questions, suggestions?
> First Giving
> Radio SHow w/ Michael Conniffe

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