Tuesday, March 17, 2009

CSA Farm School Insurance

Jerome's Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute, with it's two decades of teaching, can get the CSA Farm School insurance we'll need to obtain and maintain agreements with the School Districts.
Jerome is expecting school insurance quotes by March 20. Fat City Farms will raise the money to fund the insurance and the school, until the school can pay these expenses independently
CRMPI will run the school, generate curriculum, hire instructors, raise students, and collect tuition, when we all agree it is appropriate to charge tuition, and how much.
I will add the details to this post when they become available:

1 comment:

  1. MT....
    Using CRMPI in this fashion sounds like a 'marriage made in heaven' between FCF and it...
    Is Jerome AOK being under the Unbrella of FCF, or are we under his umbrella. I need a bit of clarity invovling this concept though it speaks/sounds great! Settles some decided issues we were all experiencing and seems to open the gates even wider to our collective success at 'growing farmers'
